Ready to Let Go of The Past to Live a Life of Passion and Purpose?

Experience the fastest way to remove blocks and rewire your subconscious to more easily create success, love and happiness

Let's have a chat to see if this is a good fit for you. If you can't get in, email [email protected] and we can set up a time.

Ready for meaning, clarity and direction?

If you want to stop worrying and start living, and realise your true potential, ours could be the most important 60-minute conversation you’ll ever have.You’ve attended personal development workshops, read self-help books, and they all tell you what you need to do – let go of the past, live with passion, find your purpose…But no one shows you the specific how-to’s for achieving all that, do they?We’ve all (me included) spent thousands of dollars on programs that promise the earth.Buying into the hype, excitedly handing over the cash and rarely seeing the results.Most of my clients are just like you and me.They feel frustrated, helpless and meaningless because they don’t see how to move forward in their life.You can’t see how you can get past yourself to discover what truly what makes you happy, and even when you do, there still seems to be mental, emotional and motivation blocks that stop you from getting results

Do you want to do what you love, whilst earning a great income from it?

That’s the genius of this program.A collection of 3 courses that give you the formula for achieving the trifecta of success, love and happiness.It is an immersive, practical and experiential program that gives you the why’s, what’s and how-to’s of the 8 principles of success, love and happiness.Imagine the full experience of mental, emotional and spiritual breakthroughs to discover answers within you that are in line with your passion and purpose!If you’ve always dreamed of living a full, enriched and joyful life, whilst earning a great income from doing what you love, this is a journey of transformation like nothing else you’ve ever experienced.

Let's have a chat to see if this is a good fit for you. If you can't get in, email [email protected] and we can set up a time.

"I loved it all!!! It is life-changing especially if you are feeling stuck and not knowing what to do about it. I have rediscovered who I truly am – [my] authentic self."Leanne Hamilton

"The work and processes help highlight and clear obstacles, and empower the student to continue their journey in their passions"Sean Renner

"Such a powerful way to understand what drives someone and how that came to be. Compelling! [This program] is really powerful and transformative… Come and discover your superhero origin story and how you got your super powers!"Andrew Ramsden

"It is the most amazing journey of discovery, validation and connection that is just essential. I have been able to start to see what is missing and move towards finding it!"Gretel Jane


Passion and Purpose Coaching™

A 3-day program that uses the power of archetypes to discover or re-discover your passion and purpose, and gain clarity, meaning and purpose to your life.

  • Discover your passion and purpose

  • Find out what lights you up

  • Gain clarity on your ideals, wants and hopes

  • Begin the journey of healing the past

  • Create success and happiness in a chosen area of your life, and see the results permeate into other areas of your life

  • If you have aspirations to be a transformation coach, you get permission to use all tools, processes and resources for 1-on-1 coaching

  • Recognised and accredited Passion and Purpose Coaching™ qualification

Let's have a chat to see if this is a good fit for you. If you can't get in, email [email protected] and we can set up a time.


Masculine and Feminine Coaching™

A 3-day course to transform past negative patterns that no longer serve you, and disconnect from the negative programming from people and events from the past so you can achieve true balance in your life.

  • Fully let go of childhood, teen and adult events that prevent success and happiness

  • Rewire negative parental programming

  • Clear mental and emotional blockages

  • Get out of the “drama cycle” so you can pursue your passion and purpose

  • Tap into both masculine and feminine aspects of living so you can create true balance

  • If you have aspirations to be a coach, you get permission to use all tools, processes and resources for 1-on-1 coaching

  • Recognised and accredited Masculine and Feminine Coaching™ qualification


Matrix Therapies Coaching®

A 3-day program that heals emotional triggers, overcome limiting beliefs and hones your intuition so you can make faster and better decisions in every area of life.

  • Clear away emotional triggers that cause you to feel anger, sadness, fear and guilt

  • Heal your inner critic

  • Learn to use emotions to build better intuition so you can make faster and better decisions

  • Transform limiting beliefs so you can stop self-sabotage and elevated confidence

  • Understand and interpret dreams as messages from the subconscious mind

  • Recognised and accredit Matrix Therapies Coaching® qualification

Let's have a chat to see if this is a good fit for you. If you can't get in, email [email protected] and we can set up a time.

About Andrew Low

Having toiled and struggled in a corporate job of 16+ hour workdays, working nights and weekends, Andrew fell asleep behind the wheel and totalled his car.He knew then that things had to change. He's been on a journey since and now my mission is to help you discover how you can live your full life.This is his story in 4 minutes.

Let's have a chat to see if this is a good fit for you. If you can't get in, email [email protected] and we can set up a time.

Passion and Purpose Coach, Archetypal Coaching Trainer, Diamond Licensee Trainer, NLP Trainer, Master of Business (Info Tech)

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